United States Coast Guard Auxiliary - U.S. Department of Homeland Security

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Welcome to the Flotilla 7-3, District 13 Web Site

Boat in water

Welcome to the home page of US Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 73, Portland Oregon.

Please check our calendar with the agendas for both Flotilla 73 and Division 7.

Flotilla 73 serves as part of Division 7, District 13 of the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. We serve the boating public in the Northwest Oregon and Southwest Washington areas.

Our area of patrol responsibility includes the Willamette River from the Oregon City Falls to Kelly Point, and the Columbia from Bonneville Dam to St. Helens. You will often see us underway at major maritime events, such as the Rose Festival, Yacht Club Opening Day, Christmas Ship escort duty, Fourth of July fireworks shows in Portland and Vancouver, barge launches, “make way” patrols for commercial shipping, and marine safety/security patrols.

We work closely with our active duty, reserve and civilian colleagues from U.S. Coast Guard District 13, U.S.C.G. Sector Portland and MSU Portland to educate the public about boating safely, protect the environment, and keep the region's waterways safe & secure.